Back to Dr. Tree How do we make informed decisions on whether to plant non-indigenous native eucalypts without running the risk of polluting the indigenous eucalypt gene pool? First of all, many of the eucalypts hybridise or change naturally. Prehistoric relatives were genetically the same, but as the environment changed (soil, drainage, rainfall, wind, temperature, humidity, etc) over millennia, many trees died out, unable to cope with the changes, while others, now in isolation, were able to hang on and change with their surroundings. The reason Australia has over 800 different eucalypt species is due to this fact. One study shows certain eucalypt species in east facing protected valleys in the Grampians having more genetic diversity than the same species just over the ridge in west facing exposed hillsides(1). As these two populations of trees evolve, their physical attributes change as the trees adapt to the local environment. Over many generations each population no longer resembles their mates over the ridge. If given enough time they will become a new species though they are still closely related to the other trees over the ridge. Like cousins they share not too distant relatives. Think of a chihuahua and a great dane. All eucalypts are related, however, species say, from WA are much more distantly related to our Otway species than the Grampians scenario above. The isolation has been so great and for so long that they are not even closely related. Like a domestic cat and a lion. So we know that a chihuahua and a great dane are related closely enough to breed with one another, however, they don’t share certain physical attributes to make that very easy! Also, these breeds evolved in isolation from each other. It’s not until humans enter the scene and start moving these dog breeds across the globe that the potential of the breeds to cross is even possible, however unlikely. The eucalypts were first classified in 1934 by Blakely (2) and have been reclassified many times since then as new knowledge comes to hand. Classification puts the various species in sub groups depending on their relations with each other. For example, the classification listing for manna gum is:
In most good Eucalypt reference books, the classification listings will be shown for each species. The more closely related two species are, the closer they will be listed in the classification. The relation is based on physical attributes like bark type, reproductive parts, leaf shape and many more. For example:
*not indigenous to Otway region On face value, the first two and last two species are closely related to each other. Most of us in the Otways also know that messmate and mountain ash have hybridised sometime in the past producing the “otway messmate” (Eucalyptus obliqua x regnans). Many hybrids between close relatives often exhibit reduced vigour and reproductive output compared with the parents (3), however, the otway messmate has thrived producing a high value commercial timber as well as being able to reproduce and maintain a viable population. It also appears to have no detrimental environmental effect on local ecosystems. Botanists believe one day this hybrid will be classified as a species (4). The yellow and brown stringybarks are also very closely related but only one grows in the Otways. If a farmer planted a few hundred yellow stringybarks on her/his Otway property could this result in “sowing the seeds” of a potential hybrid somewhere down the road? I’m afraid the answer is not an easy yes or no! Here are some general points about introducing exotic eucalypts into another ecosystem. (referenced from 5)
Like I said, there is no easy answer. Suffice to say that every caution should be taken when considering planting exotics, and even non local provenances on your property. Here are two worthwhile reference books that explain eucalypt classification:
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