Otway Greening specialises in growing plants and trees that occur naturally in the Otways and across the Western Plains. We supply tubes and lannen cells for revegetation, for farms (including shelterbelts), for agroforestry, for gardens (big and small) and for conservation.
Otway Greening has been growing beautiful quality plants for three decades, and is beginning a new chapter based at our property in Bambra. Mike and Wendy Robinson-Koss began the nursery from their home in Pennyroyal and they grew over 4 million plants through their passion and dedication.
Our plants are grown from seed collected locally by us, which ensures provenance, quality and genetic diversity — resulting in healthy plants. All our plants are grown outdoors, from seeds to seedlings, with no hot houses or shade houses used, which prepares the plants to thrive in the elements.
We grow to supply plants at the optimal time for planting which occurs from autumn through to early spring. The best time to get your plant orders in is by December 1st — while we’re still sowing seed for the coming season. This enables us to make your order a priority, and grow to meet your plant wish list.
We look forward to growing for you
Matt and Cara


Image credit: Fred Kroh


